Guaranteed Horse Products FAQ


How do you attach the nozzle for the 2.5-gallon Refill with Tap? 

Stand the container up so the location where you would screw the refill tap is pointed upwards. Pierce this location with a flathead screwdriver or needle nose pliers and then screw the nozzle into place. Lay the 2.5 gallon container down so that the nozzle is pointed towards the ground to refill your Fly Bye! Plus®.

Do I need to shake my 32 ounce Fly Bye! Plus® prior to spraying my horse or animal?

Yes, we suggest you shake your bottle prior to using it on your animal.

How much Fly Bye! Plus® do I need to spray on my horse or animal?

Our products are meant to be efficient and effective. Simply mist your animal and let our fly spray do the rest!

How often do I need to apply Fly Bye! Plus®?

Typically once per day keeps your horse or animal protected. In situations where your horse is turned out for the entire day during warm temperatures and sweats during peak summer temperatures, we would suggest two applications per day.

Can I use Fly Bye! Plus® on pregnant mares and foals?

GHP has not evaluated the application of Fly Bye! Plus® on pregnant mares or foals. However, if you love our products and would like provide more information about your experience, we would love to hear from you.

Does Fly Bye! Plus® Shampoo protect against insects as well?

Yes, we have integrated our Fly Bye! Plus® formula into our shampoo to give all the benefits of a shampoo while also providing fly protection. 

Is Fly Bye! Plus® a concentrate that can be diluted for the 32 oz, 1 gallon or 2.5 gallon?

No, our products are not concentrated and should not be diluted. Fly Bye! Plus® is carefully manufactured to our exact specifications so you have a fly spray that works right out of the box.

How to use the 2.5 Gallon Refillable Container

How to use our Pony Polish

How to use Fly Bye! Plus Shampoo